Sunday 24 February 2013

Dream Apartment

Isn't it interesting what we are willing to put up with in order to do the things we love. Because I love Kenya and because I adore a certain man, I'm able to cope with being how many thousands of miles from my parents and brother despite missing them dearly. We just moved into my dream apartment. We have to take cold bucket baths while the maintenance guy gets around to increasing water pressure so we actually have water coming out of the shower heads, but am I complaining?? I am all smiles and excitement because we have all this SPACE now to put Bryan's gizmos and my "artifacts!" I was exhausted yesterday evening. Bryan was out with friends and my droopy eyes were telling me I should sleep "now now" despite the hour. Regardless, I was up till Bryan came home at 1:30, organizing the kitchen and and fussing with this and that. What a dedicated housewife I have discovered within myself! :p