Sunday 15 June 2014

Car crash

I have this friend - he's this vivacious, amicable, invited to every event and house party sort of guy. In fact, I doubt that there is an expat in Nairobi who doesn't know - and love - him. Three weekends ago, he was returning with friends from a weekend trip to Naivasha and was involved in two car accidents, the second of which sent him into a coma, broke his jaw in multiple place and resulted in a horrible head injury. He ended up having to remain in the hospital for two weeks and get this - no health insurance. He had to undergo surgery on his jaw and then on his brain...all because the driver of his vehicle insisted on speeding around a blind corner. We visited him a couple days ago. Physically, he looked well, but we could tell in an instant that he had no idea who we were. I had hoped that somehow seeing our daughter would somehow jog his memory, but it was to no avail. He tried so hard to make conversation and give us a warm welcome...words seem harm to come by though and a deep sadness sat behind his eyes. How awful would it be to remember nothing at all, even those that love you most like your family...It broke my heart to see my friend in this state and it hurt even more to meet his mother who, despite her external show of hospitality and smiles, must be devastated inside to see her son in such a condition.