Thursday 28 July 2011

7 things about me - just for fun

Just for fun, am copying this blogging idea from a fellow blogger friend of 7 completely random things you probably didn't know about me (or maybe you do, but whatever, amuse me and read the entry regardless)
1. I was raised by a stay-at-home dad and bread-winning mum;
2. I studied karate religiously for 10 plus years. During those 10 years, I competed in the US, Canada and Japan. The national coach of the Japanese Olympic karate team adopted me as his student for a good year, after which time, I won medals in kumite (fighting) and kata at the Tokyo National Karate Competition. So watch out thugs of Nairobi! I may look small and harmless, but mess with me, my boy or my friends and you've got pepper spray and a round house kick to the head commin' atchya! (or at least that is how I envision it...)
3. I am a direct descendant of Mary Queen of Scots.
4. My great, great, great uncle made his millions by inventing the grocery cart.
5. I was born in the Bronx (New York City), but was raised in the snow-white village of Cooperstown, population 2,800.
6. I have swum with sharks, sea turtles, clown fish (Nemo!) and zebra rays. I dream of swimming with dolphins and according to my parents and bf, swim like a fish (whatever, I just envy fish).
7. I am one of those odd ball modern women who dreams of a successful career (with the UN or IOM!!!) and being an independent woman, but at the same time also dreams of her wedding day, having 2 or 3 kids and growing old and wrinkly with her best friend/husband/soul mate.  

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