Wednesday 23 November 2011

Baby making

Am sitting in Mom's office enjoying this country's high speed internet when one of Mom's nurses stops by to say hello and to give me her 2 cents at the obvious - "your mom really wants grandchildren, you know. I already have 2," she says with a proud grin. "And just so you know, you don't need a husband to get a baby anymore. Back in my day, if you had a child out of wedlock, you were called a slut, but these days, oh no, you can have a baby without a man with no problem to ya." She goes on to tell me how her daughter just went ahead and got impregnated by a sperm donor and "she's doing just fine." She gives me a hinting look as if to say, "you could do that too, you know!" I grinned back at her and, just for kicks, told her that I'd definitely consider her idea.

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