Sunday 5 August 2012

Family reunion excitement

In two weeks time, my American mother, brother, Japanese mom and Japanese dad will be in Kenya. I am beyond excited. I am from a very close-knit family of four and also remain close to the Japanese family I lived with on numerous occassions between the age of 15 and 27. My mother has been to Kenya once before, whereas my brother and host parents have never been to Africa, let alone Kenya. My host mother is particularly excited about the trip. When I asked her months ago what was on her Bucket List, she confessed that she has always wanted to visit Africa and see the Great Migration (one of the world's so-called 7 wonders). Needless to say, I am thrilled to be able to facilitate the realization of that dream...

My brother and host parents will be in Kenya for a week, while Mom will be in town for two. We'll be going on on a 3-day safari in the famous Masai Mara national park staying in one of those fancy tented camps. I am going to also try to fit in a visit to the Bomas of Kenya, the Kazuri Bead Factory, the Animal Orphanage in Karen, Luo dancing at Ronalo's, custom made dresses for my host mom, American mother and I, a visit to either Aromatics Spa or Wild Earth, as well as Open Hand's Orphanage. Got more ideas for me? Send 'em my way! This reunion needs to be the best ever! :) 

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