Wednesday 23 January 2013

Blues blues 飛んで行け!!

Lately some pretty heartbreaking disappointments (or is it better to call them "challenges?") have plunged into my life. I am struggling to stay optimistic and leaning ever more heavily on my job and friends to keep my head above water. 

Why work? My job makes sense. It's less of a job than something I simply enjoy doing each day. I know what to expect, I'm learning something everyday, I have a new supervisor who I respect and love working with... Work keeps my mind occupied, makes me feel productive, and just generally serves as a temporary relief from the torments of my heart. Oh, and the work we do at my org...all of it, at the end of the day, is for such a worthy cause.

My second saving grace is just as simple as the first - girlfriends. It's been just recently that I've truly begun to appreciate having really good girlfriends in my life. I'm learning these days however that when it comes to somethings, guy friends just don't cut it. I'm left flabbergasted at times - guys, best sweet as they can be, are just tuned into a different wave length or something.  Anyway, five of my girlfriends in particular have unwittingly shown me so much kindness lately despite not really having a full idea of what I'm going through. God, I'm so grateful that I have been blessed with friends like that...they fill my days with smiles that may not otherwise be there. 

God, I hope things take a turn for the better soon. Good night, world. 


  1. It's been a week--how do you feel now? I hope the blues have lifted. Today, I woke up wishing you and Brayo were in our lives. I miss my girlfriend!!!

  2. This was written some weeks back, but yes, I'm feeling better now. You ARE in our lives, dear, despite being thousands of miles away. I know what you mean though. What I would do to have you 2 living next door!! I miss you mucho, my dear. Let's do more of that video chatting...perhaps that will make the distance easier.
