Wednesday 25 December 2013

Is it really Christmas??

Facebook tells me it's Christmas, but being so far from home in a place that doesn't seem to take the holiday as seriously as the US, this favorite holiday of mine feels like any other day. People wish you merry Christmas here, but in a way that feels like they aren't familiar with the significance behind the greeting. Wishing I could somehow be home for the holidays and making a mental note to do my best to be some place more festive for Christmas come 2014. After all, our baby will be with us by then and she deserves a Christmas with all the traditions, bows, good food, cheer and carols! 

Sunday 15 December 2013


As much as I love Kenya, I must vent that it causes me constant frustration that so many people here can't keep their word. Excuses are always in abundance. Traffic seems to be the favorite. Rain is probably next in line. Apologies flow out as easy as the excuses, but I'm always left wondering if those apologies are truly genuine because the next time you're up to meet that very same person, they end up being late or falling short on their promise all over again. And this is all after  looking you in the eye and acting as if they're you best, most reliable friend ever. 

Sunday 8 December 2013

Teddy and Ben

Carrying on a family tradition...when I was born, I was given the teddy bear pictured on the right (Ben). It has stated with me for the past 32 years, often bringing me comfort in times of tears or frustration. Three weeks from now, I get to give my daughter a similar gift (Teddy); a welcome to the world present, if you will :) 

Monday 2 December 2013

Anxiety kicks in

I've been wide awake since five, or perhaps even earlier. Today's my first day back at work after a week of vacation and another week of off and on sick leave. Am feeling anxious because I've so many questions pending answers from my insurance and obstetrician, not to mention what seems like a billion receipts/appointments pending reimbursement. On top of all that, I'm doubly anxious abt work to-dos since I'm not sure how long I'll be able to report to the office before going into labor and I realllly don't want to leave anything major unattended to. These next few weeks must be productive, or else...only 26 days and counting!! 

Sunday 1 December 2013

Pain free!

The sciatic nerve pain has completely disappeared - thank God! The solution? Dr. Stower - a chiropractor recommended by a friend and former colleague of mine who is also in her final trimester and experiencing pain from pinched nerves. Dr. Stower has apparently worked with countless pregnant women and is therefore very familiar with the special treatment our condition demands. I was pleased to note that her clinic boasts a special chiropractic bed that easily adjusts to fit a pregnant woman's shape. How odd (yet thrilling) it was to be able to lay on my stomach after eight months! She started out my hour plus appointment by asking me several questions about my pregnancy and the pain I had been feeling. She then helped me go through a series of stretches, chatting along the way to help me feel at ease. Stretching was followed by 20-30 minutes of electric stimulation with one patch placed on my lower back and another placed on my left hip. Electric stim was followed by a hot towel on my hip and lower back for 15 minutes and then the affixing of this Japanese tape that, it left on the skin for at least five days, lifts the skin away from the flesh beneath and thus relieves pain. 

The entire session with Dr. Stower was 3,500 Kenyan Shillings (~$40). I did end up removing the Japanese tape after a day because of my stubborn latex allergy, but am able to boast that less than two days later, I was completely pain free. My sweet baby did decide to lay her head on my other sciatic nerve for a  time there, but has been good enough to do only do so for a couple hours before settling back to the middle of my womb where she's best positioned for delivery. :)