Spent the evening with my best friend from
MIIS and her husband of many years. We enjoyed fresh
Tilapia right on the shores of
Lake Victoria, Africa's largest lake. The beach that they choose for our dinner was fabulous - the Munyonyo Common Wealth Resort Beach. Apparently the beach is owned by President Museveni (Uganda's Head of State) himself! There was a wonderful mix of people present - Ethiopians, Ugandans, Kenyans, Indians, Somalis, you name it. Pretty sure I was the only American there, but whatever - REPRESENT! Getting to the resort beach was quite the experience. It seems that Museveni was around so security was tight tight TIGHT! We had to go through multiple checkpoints with police and military personal standing guard everywhere with their AK47s close at hand. Felt like I was going to a war zone, not a beach. lol Joyce and I had to leave our car twice at the last 2 check points, the latter of which we had to even walk through a scanner and have our car completely searched, inside and underneath. Imagine, all this to visit a beach. But a beautiful beach it was! And so CLEAN compared to the Kenyan side! There were even people swimming! Can't imagine somebody trying to do that on the Kenyan side - feel like they'd be tangled up and drowned by all the hyacinth growing there. <sigh> I wish Kenya would get on the environmental bandwagon. Imagine, they don't even recycle there. It tears at my green heart every time I see people throwing their plastic bottles and "paper bags" (as they call plastic bags...don't ask) on the ground. Am seriously thinking about calling up environmental activist,
Wangari Mathaai to get her to join me in a Clean Kenya campaign. Just think how even more breath-taking Kenya would be if its residents learned to have more respect for its lush terrain! Oh the possibilities...
Glad you two got to meet up again. I still need to send you a cute pic I took of you both at MIIS. Thanks for sharing your blog. Lots of adventures you are having.