Monday 29 August 2011

It's a Hard Knock Life

Githurai, Nairobi - full of life, but no place to sit on the curb and sip your coffee latte. Born and raised in Nairobi, my better half writes in his blog that Githurai is an area infamous for prostitution, insecurity and filth. My first impression was along the same grounds. As we walked from the bus stop towards our destination, I observed block after block of dilapidated buildings, foul garbage heaps, and emaciated goats and chickens. Like elsewhere in Nairobi, Githurai was humming with activity, business and people trying to make the best out of their lot in life. And although I was probably the only white girl walking Githurai's streets that day, I was welcomed by curious looks and the smiles of men, women and children alike. 

After 10 minutes of lugging our bags of groceries and other donations through Githurai's congested streets, we arrived at last at our destination - Open Hand Children's Home (OHCH). OHCH is an orphanage founded in 2003 with the aim of acting as a beacon of hope for abandoned children. It is a small compound of about 3, inter-connected, small buildings that houses about 20 children ranging from around 15 down to a a couple weeks old. We spent the majority of our time with 2 adorable infants named Victor and Victoria both abandoned by their parents when they were less than a week old. We were told that one of the children had been found abandoned in a ditch, while another was found tossed away in a plastic bag. INFANTS! How can a woman carry a baby in her womb for 9 months and then feel so little connection and love for that child that she is literally willing to throw that baby away? Not ready for a baby? Sweetie, you should have taken precautions to not have that baby in the first place. Didn't plan on getting pregnant? Do the best you can anyway. As the mother of that child, it is your obligation to do the absolute best you can to give that child the best life possible, be that by raising that child yourself, or by ensuring that that child is in loving, capable adoptive hands.  

I coddled and cooed to baby Victor for a good hour, if not 2. His wide, tear-rimmed, brown eyes stared up at me the entire time. I am hardly in the position to adopt a child, but oh if I could...    


  1. ...go ahead and adopt one...

  2. lovely idea, reddings, but my preference has always been to be married before i go having/adopting children. :)
