Sunday 4 September 2011

7-11 (Khartoum Day 2)

My blogging editing tools have been automatically switched to took me a good 5 minutes of trial and error just to get to "compose a new entry." Good grief...hate it when my pc tries to outsmart me. f-_-;

Today was our first day of interviewing refugees in Khartoum. The refugees were all cooperative and gentle souls, but good God did their cases take forever to complete. Personally, I had to complete the equivalent of 6 cases, two of which were for a family of 8! On top of that, we had major IT issues that delayed processing so much so that we were literally working from 7:30am to 11:00 PM. ELEVEN! Thank God  the three of us love our jobs because we certainly don't get paid enough for the number of hours we put it in the field - especially on this circuit ride. By the time 8pm rolled on by, my right hand started going numb from clicking my mouse all day. By 8:30, my female colleague and I gave up on any shyness we might have had inside us and started singing out loud to Blondie and Beyonce. By 9, we reached that point where you're so tired that the littlest things will make you giggle till your stomach hurts. By 9:30, we became dizzy from having focused our eyes on our computer screens for so long. By10, we were complete zombies. And by 10:30, I found myself envying my cigarette-smoking colleagues because at least they had a pick-me-up (for the record though, I didn't pick up a cig myself...and never will :p). It's miraculous how inspiring hard-working colleagues can be however. As exhausted as I was, there was no way I was going to be the first to throw in the towel. I'm sure my colleagues felt the same way. It was only after our Field Team Leader asked us for the 5th time if we wanted to pack up and head back to the hotel that my fellow female colleague and I finally conceded. 

Tomorrow the cases will be smaller in size and our IT issues shouldn't be as cumbersome as they were today. Personally, I'm praying that by the end of the day tomorrow, I will have a stack of completed, all-my-"i"s-and-"t"s-crossed-cases to feel proud of.      


  1. You ought to have called on matters IT. But then again, to echo Nancy's sentiments, 'It's called work' :)

  2. @ Reddings: Oh we did. Mostly thanks to our team leader though, all our IT issues were worked out. Our office space is now a tangle of cables as IT forgot to pack the cord to our WAP. SIGH.
    @ Nancy: It may be called work, but I love what I do. :)
