Monday 13 February 2012

Washoku (Japanese food) and pipe dreams

Today I visited the Asian Food Market on 91 Colvin Street in Albany. I went in telling myself I would only buy quality green tea, a thick pack of seaweed and wasabi - three things I always find myself missing in Nairobi. But try being a Japan-ofile like me and walk into a well-stocked Asian grocery store with LITERALLY a whole 25-meter long aisle full of just Asian teas!! And then another, just-as-long aisle of Japanese food products. I was in my own, personalized heaven on earth. I went in thinking I'd spend 20 bucks max; I left having paid a bill totaling $115! No guilt felt here though. We can't be penny wise and dime foolish after all deshou? And for me at least, stocking up on my version of comfort food (Japanese food) is a key ingredient to my long-term happiness and health. :) So miso soup and kare-raisu nights in Nairobi - here I come!! :) 

I must also point out another one of my favorite cash gobblers, <cough cough>, I mean boutiques, is just a 20 minute drive from the above Market. The place is called Violets - the boutique has a wonderful selection of stunningly elegant, but youthful items that always make my eyes sparkle and my pocketbook itch. I am not sooo much into fashion, but I do enjoy looking nice (my Kenyan friends would swear that's the Luo in me talking) and Violets just so happens to have clothes that make my particular body type look nice. Too bad an outfit there is at least $100. I like to dream about dressing nice though so every time I'm home in New York, I stop by and leaf through the clothes, very pole pole-like, soaking in the beauty of each item. I miss nice clothing shops, even if I don't actually have the income to buy from them. Kenya doesn't have such shops. At least, none that I'm aware of. When I buy clothes there, it's out of desperation and then, much to my chagrin, the items start to fall apart and loose their shape and color after only a couple washings. Unless, of course, you're willing to spend $50 on a simple, not-all-that sweater from Woolsworth, clothing shopping in Nai is just not worth it.  

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