Sunday 4 November 2012

Let me tell you about a secret somehow kept. It's called Rwanda.

My sojourn in Rwanda is wonderful. Many are still under the impression that Rwanda is a poor, war-torn state that nobody in their right mind would want to visit. Trust me, however, though Rwanda is still very much in it's developing stages, it is a jaw-dropping beautiful country, in terms of the genuineness of its people, rolling, lush hills, fascinating culture, you name it. This country was literally dropped to its knees in 1994. Close to 1 million people were slaughtered in the Genocide involving neighbor killing neighbor. Women, handicapped, elderly, even infants were not spared. Fortunately the violence was eventually brought to a standstill, but  a permanent scar on the hearts and minds of Rwandans - Tutsi and Hutu alike - could not be avoided. Today ,there seems to be a genuine, concerted effort by both the people and the government to build Rwanda up from the ashes of Genocide. It is now forbidden to ask someone their ethnicity, for instance. There is a country-wide effort to build up the common identity of Rwandans as Rwandans, rather than Hutu, Tutsi or Twa. Rwanda has been particularly favored for international aid because of the startling lack of corruption on a continent where corruption runs frustratingly rampant. I consistently hear from my colleagues and similarly focused professionals that Rwanda is among their top-choices in terms of where they'd prefer to be posted. Put simply, it's just an overwhelmingly beautiful place.

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