Tuesday 19 November 2013

Pinched sciatic nerve

Up until just recently, I have had been blessed with such a smooth pregnancy. Now in my 34th week, however, our baby has decided to rest her precious head on my left sciatic nerve sending waves of piercing pain up my lower back and down my left leg. I spent yesterday evening in the emergency room and the whole of today limping around the house (took a sick off), if not completely unable to move. A safe pregnancy dictates that medication is largely avoided. Medication deemed safe is limited to the likes of Tylenol which have never had much of an impact on my system. My best friend and, indeed, my only source of pain relief is an ice pack which I constantly keep strapped to my hip. Thankfully, I am also blessed with a husband/fiance who takes such good care of me. How miserable would I be if I was stuck with one of those male chauvinists who refuse to do housework or cook!! B is a life-saver - no exaggeration there whatsoever! 

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