Sunday 16 February 2014

Beautiful Blessing

It's been ages since I wrote on this blog, but indeed, I have the world's best excuse! Nine months and nine days after that wonderful night in Krabi, Thailand <grin>, our baby girl finally made her debut at 51 cm and 3.3 kilograms. We have named her Isabella Hawi, "Bella" for short ("Bella" = "Beautiful" in Italian; Hawi = "blessing" in Bryan's mother tongue, Luo) and she is absolutely breath-taking. Since her birth, there have been countless times when I would have loved to chronicle this or that experience, but alas, being a new mother is EXHAUSTING!!! Every time you set your mind to do this task or the other, your baby cries out for her diaper to be changed or because she's lonely or hungry or wants her position changed, etc etc And then, before you know it, you and your baby are both fast asleep, snorring in unioson on the sofa with mouths ajar. Lack of productivity and sleep deprivation aside, however,  my small family and I are happy and healthy. One of my biggest worries leading up to Bella's delivery was that a small baby might somehow drive B and I apart, but thankfully our little sweetheart has made us even closer. We work together as a team, appreciate each other, communicate better, and when we say the words, "I love you," the words feel like they are set deep in our souls - so meaningful, so strong. We've been through so much together after all. 

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