Monday 24 November 2014

Sleep Training: Day Three

Sleep training is not as awful as I expected it to be, or maybe Bella's just reacting particularly well to the experience? Last night, I put her to bed very drowsy after her regular sleep routine (dinner, bath, baby massage, pjs, bottle). She woke and stood up a handful of times, cried for about thirty seconds to a minute, but then promptly plopped back down in her playpen and fell asleep. I'm not completely sure if she woke up less times than the first night of sleep training, but I do know that this time around, her cries never woke me up long enough to note down  the times.

Tonight is night three of sleep training. Unlike the first two nights, Bella didn't fall asleep after her bottle. I knew she was tired though so I went ahead and placed her in her playpen. At first, she seemed completely happy to be in there - she hugged her teddy bear, hugged her blankie and then smiled up at me. I laid down on the mattress next to her playpen and pretended to sleep. I think it was then that she realized what was happening so she stood up and started to fuss. Her complaints never escalated into the deafening screams that I experienced the first night though. After about 20 minutes of complaint, she seemed to give up. She plopped down, gave her teddy a hug and then fell asleep as close to me as possible (this was at around 7:50,,,yes, I know, I need to get her to bed earlier...). Let's see how she sleeps tonight. Maybe tonight will be that magical night when she and I get more than two hours of uninterrupted sleep? It seems like an overly optimistic thought, but then I didn't think I could ever get her to fall asleep just by plopping her in her crib either. :p

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