Tuesday 25 November 2014

Sleep training: Day four

It's the fourth day of sleep training. Bella continues to be a happy, healthy baby during the day. Contrary to what I had feared might happen when sleep training her, I haven't noticed any resentment from her or a negative impact on her temperament. She still eats and plays well. Though she is going to bed earlier and sleeping progressively longer at night, she is also taking longer naps during the day which I find ironic, but comforting. It is of course hard to hear her cry and beg to be taken out of her crib, but in the long run, I'd rather have her go through this rough patch than continue to have her, her father and I go on sleep deprived and risk having a spoilt child that begs for attention at night when we all should be fast asleep.

This evening, Bella and I went for a long stroll to get some fresh air. After a nice supper, Bella took her bath, got into her pjs (she turned really cranky at the point which I assumed was the "over tiredness" described in the Sleep Sense book) and the eagerly enjoyed her night time bottle.
She fell asleep in my arms - I know, not supposed to let that happen, but it's hard to keep her awake when I'm so tired myself! I placed her in her playpen around 7:30 and she immediately nestled up next to her teddy bear. I'm dressing her in two layers at night to keep off the chill (Bella is not a fan of blankets or socks). It's 10:30 now and she's still snoozing. Every night of this sleep training, I keep praying that this will be the night she sleeps until morning! Will it ever happen, I wonder??? Before I'm pregnant with our next baby - PLEASE!!! I want to feel what it's like to be awake and fully alive again!! Sleep, Bella, sleeeeep....is it wrong during sleep training to give a "dream feed" right before I go to sleep, I wonder? It's so tempting considering she sleeps for the longest interval right after her last feed of the night...this will be my evening research topic before I head to dreamland myself. :)

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