Sunday 23 November 2014

Sleep training: Day Two

Looking back on last night, Bella woke up at all the normal hours she usually does - every two hours. The poor sweetie really does struggle to fall asleep on her own and wanted so badly to be comforted by her mother through hugs and feedings. Last night was a first for her in three major ways - she spent the entire night in her crib, she didn't get breast or bottle fed and she didn't get picked up. To be honest, I felt like giving up at around 2AM. I was feeling very guilty and struggling to remember why I decided to do this sleep training thing in the first place. Of course, I remembered in the morning, but during those early hours of the morning when I was beside myself with exhaustion and Bella's screams were ringing in my was almost too much for me to withstand.

Tonight is day two. My husband has final exams this next week so I've insisted that he sleep in the guest bedroom. Bella is asleep in her play pen and I am camped out on our extra mattress right next to her. I lost track of time tonight and didn't get her to bed until almost nine. Hopefully I didn't mess things up too badly. She has a good meal in her, she's had her bath, is in fresh pjs, has been breastfed and bottle fed. Let's see whether tonight is any better than last night. I'm praying it is especially since I have to go to the office tomorrow through Wednesday!! 

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