Saturday 22 November 2014

The first night/7:45

It's 7:45PM on the first night of sleeping training and Bella is sound asleep in her playpen next to me. I'm in my nursing chair beside her playpen mentally prepared for a particularly sleepless night. I have a double cappucino in me and my computer so that I can document my experiences tonight and for however long it will take to train Bella to sleep through the night. Wish me luck.


I'm doing the initial part of this first night solo as my husband has somehow finagled his way into going out for a soccer game. Let me not comment on that maneuver as it's left me feeling pretty let down.

Following the advice detailed in the book, 'The Sleep Sense Program,' I did my best to ensure that we followed Bella's bedtime routine earlier than usual this evening so that she was in her crib by 7:45 (the book recommends a bedtime between 6:30 -7:30 for babies between the ages of 6 months and a year so I need to start things earlier tomorrow).  Up until today, we've been eating together as a family around 8:30 (my husband attends night classes Monday through Thursdays) after which time I start Bella's bedtime routine which consists simply of a warm bath, getting a baby massage, putting on her pjs and drinking a big bottle of Lactogen 2 formula. Though we went through the whole routine a lot earlier tonight, Bella began to doze off almost as soon as the bottle touched her lips. The author of the book advises that it's crucial to keep your baby awake during this last feed so that when she's put in her crib she knows where she's being put and that mommy is nearby (otherwise, the author warns, she'll wake up wondering where she is and where mom has run off to!). Contrary to what the author detailed however, Bella went right to sleep when I put her in her play pen (I'm using her playpen instead of her crib for this whole sleep training thing because the walls of the playpen are see through and soft, as opposed to the crib which has a soft bumper attached but is made of hard, head clunking wood). I was somewhat shocked when she went to sleep that quickly. I was expecting at least an hour of crying, but I'm sure that will happen in the next two hours. I have always found it easy to get Bella to sleep after her bedtime routine, but have never been successful at getting her to go back to sleep once she's woken up unless I give her a couple sips of formula or agree to breastfeed. Tonight is going to be a stressful experience for both of us. Again, wish us luck. I'm feeling rather anxious while sweet Bella has no idea what is coming her way... 

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